Ketogenic Diet Therapy & Neurological Conditions

Modified Atkins Ketogenic Diet

Neuro-Oncology, Traumatic Brain Injury, Migraines, Fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s are all areas where the use of the Ketogenic Diet are being further explored and researched.

It appears benefit to patients with these conditions doesn’t require the extreme nature of the Classic Ketogenic Diet for epilepsy where ketones are raised to very high levels. For these conditions a milder Modified Atkins (Ketogenic) Diet is appropriate. 

Ketogenic Dietary Therapy

It is not a fad weight loss diet. This is why I refer to Ketogenic Dietary ‘Therapy’.

A Ketogenic Diet is any diet that mimics a starvation state in the body, where the body starts to use fat as a source of fuel. There are many Keto diets out there that can trick the body into the starvation phase. Ketogenic Dietary Therapy is evidence based, specifically calculated dietary treatment to switch your body into starvation state and create ketones in the body, and most of the research generated supports it as a treatment for epilepsy.

The typically has up to 90% fat content, restricted protein and minimal carbohydrates.

The diet typically has up to 90% fat content, restricted protein and minimal carbohydrates. Whereas the fad weight loss diets have 50-60% fat, low carbohydrates and no restriction on protein.